Dompet Sosial Madani

1. What is is a crowdfunding platform for medical and humanitarian needs and emergencies.

2. What is Crowdfunding?

Literally, “Crowd” means people and “Fund” means donations.

Crowdfunding is a fundraising effort that involves the public.

For example, if we were able to convince 10,000 people to donate RM10 each, we would raise RM100,000.

3. Who created this platform?

The platform was set up by the same group that runs We are a small company registered under the name of Skolagroup Sdn. Bhd.

Our mission is to use technology in addressing social issues.

4. I have another question. Who can I contact for any enquiries?

Here are some ways for you to contact us:

  • Live Chat through the chat box located at the bottom-right of our website
  • Email to
  • Whatsapp
  • Our social media accounts

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